
What’s Your Favorite Candy?

March 22, 2011

Credit: Kristina Hicks

At Secret Marmalade, I specialize in creating desserts that aren’t too sweet. But, truth be told, I love candy. Really really sweet candy.

As I kid, I was delighted by circus peanuts, probably ingested more paper than necessary trying to get those candy buttons off their register tape they came on, and looked forward to the carnival mainly so I could devour funnel cake and get my hands perfect sticky with cotton candy. My first banana split was a glorious blend of three ice creams: vanilla, strawberry, and bubble gum topped with caramel syrup.

As I got older, my favorite milkshake became a blend of vanilla ice cream, Nerds, and Reese’s Pieces (p.s. It still is) and I moved on to watermelon rope, trefoils, pixie sticks, and sour patch kids.

I realize my favorites aren’t sophisticated, and I’m ok with that. But my passion for sweet and sour did come with one lovely adult benefit: I’ve developed such a resiliency to sour flavors that I love eating lemons on their own.

What candies do you (still) love?

  • Dena

    Apple O’s, Marshmallows, Red Vines… I could eat any or all of those ALL DAY.