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Spicy Bourbon Bonbons and Tequila Lime Infused Caramels

August 28, 2011

For this month, the Daring Bakers has the awesome challenge to do chocolate and candy. Two of my favorites! To participate, you had to make two candies. One had to either be a truffle, a dipped chocolate, or a filled chocolate. I racked my brain for a few days, and decided to do a tequila and lime infused caramel topped with fleur de sel and a dark chocolate bonbon filled with spicy bourbon ganache. The tequila lime caramels were a…

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Baking Travel

Absinthe Cupcakes

I have a teeny-tiny obsession with absinthe. It started back in college – the liqueur was still illegal then – when a friend of the guy I was dating brought back a bottle from Prague. We had it in the classic college way. In…

August 23, 2011

The Green Fairy

On Wednesday night, I had the pleasure of attending an absinthe tasting hosted by Silverlake Wine. What an experience. Almost as exciting a one as stumbling upon Paris’s first post-ban absinthe shop and wandering the cobblestone streets on the night of my birthday to…

January 21, 2011